(Sigh...)I'm that mom. When I call Poison Control I no longer panic. I just say, "Hi Doris, It's me again." And she says, "Hey, Darbi." I am the mother of four, and every time they sneak their tiny hands into something they shouldn't I always think to myself, "There is no way they can possibly top this!" And then they do. The kids have eaten sleeping aids, swallowed the insides of a glow stick, dipped cheddar chips in garden poison, gotten into prescription medicines, downed half a bag of cough drops, all while under my supervision. (Or perhaps one could argue to call it not-so-super-vision.) They are quick. They are stealthy. And while they are all alive and accounted for, I am constantly scared for the next time I have to call Doris. Every time I get myself into a frightening situation with my children, I think to myself, "Why does this constantly happen? What more can I do to keep my kids safe?" And friends, I think I have found something pretty amazing.
DoTerra essential oils.
It seems the more I am learning about essential oils, the more harmful things I can get rid of in my household, and replace those harmful things with the products which are made from natural resources, rather than harsh chemicals. In my short time with the products I have used them for help sleeping. For gardening. For stomach aches, headaches and the common cold. For mood lifters. For a household cleaner. Basically they have already replaced everything I have had to call Doris for except for a few prescriptions (although I'm working on getting rid of those!) and the glow stick. This is an amazing feeling. A sense of well-being, freedom from chemicals and pride in doing the best thing for my family came along with introducing essential oils into my household. I just can't keep this kind of information to myself, right?
So if we were girlfriends having coffee in my living room (It would be something home roasted, brewed in a french press, served with heavy cream. No canned stuff in my home. Get the picture?), here is what I would say to you: Try some oils right now! I just made you some really good coffee! It's the least you can do! But the DoTerra catalog, to me, is a bit overwhelming. Each oil seems to have a use tied to it that I definitely will want to try eventually, but I can't buy it all. Plus I feel like starting with a basic set gives someone the chance to see if oils are right for them, before making a big investment. After one falls in love with the oils, then they can invest more confidently.
"So, what would you recommend I start with, Darbi, and can I please have some more coffee?" I thought you'd never ask...The three most versatile oils come in a nice, affordable package.
DoTerra's introductory kit introduces you to peppermint, lavender and lemon (5ml each) for just $26.67 (plus shipping).
To give you an example of how necessary DoTerra essential oils are, let me tell you some highlights of a vacation I recently took to Vegas and how my oils saved me:
- A little nervous about the flight? Lemon and lavender rubbed into my pulse points both lifted my mood and relaxed me.
- A seat next to a real talker whose breath smelled like 2 week old burritos? One swipe of peppermint under my nose and I was fine!
- Getting a headache from the stuffy air on the plane? Peppermint to the rescue again!
- Getting to the hotel only to find that a bottle of water cost $6 and the tap water tasted like warm feet? Lemon added to the water made it wonderful! And good for me! A great cleanse!
- Tummy getting a little upset from that 32 oz margarita? I drank a small glass of water with a drop of peppermint oil. Yes, they are so pure you can even drink them. Say goodbye to "that pink stuff" forever!
- Muscles sore from walking all around viewing all of the strange people...I mean architecture? Apply peppermint to the sore area! (But avoid the eyes!)
- Can't get to sleep because of the cheap hotel pillow? A little lavender to the bottoms of my feet and the back of my neck and I was out like a baby.
This is just how I used the oils on a short trip. In my home I use them so many more ways. There is just so much for me to still learn...and then pass along to you! Aren't you excited??
For more information on how to use these three oils go to http://www.doterraeveryday.com/101-uses.
When you are ready to place your order go to http://mydoterra.com/darbijohnson. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at darbidocards@yahoo.com.
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